Saturday, September 4, 2010

When bad gets worserer

"Everyone rises to their level of incompetence." -Laurence J. Peter

“Success builds character, failure reveals it"-Dave Checkett

“Success is never final; failure is never fatal” -unknown

Sportynation, look I'll be the first one to tell you that we shouldn't criticize "children," but geez. C'mon. Sometimes, you've got to call it like it is and sometimes is incomprehensibly silly, outrageously, mind-bogglingly dumb and asinine.

To further understand the incomprehensible, please see below. The first video, one can empathize, sympathize, and understand logically how "the play" can happen (nonetheless, it remains silly), but the second video is something that is inexplicable and something that can, will, and should stick with you. 

Enjoy, review, and comment. Gotta know what you think...

This is my mini-Minority Repoty!

And now the big kahuna.